Rabu, 11 Februari 2009

Friends are Your Second Soul

Ini judul pidato bahasa inggrisku wktu kls 10 kemarin buat tugas "berbicara".
Aku bikin pidato yang judulnya demikian karena aku sadar konsep "manusia adalah mahluk sosial". 4 kata yang mengandung banyak arti ini yang menginspirasikan diriku bikin pidato tersebut.

Ternyata bener, pada kenyataannya kita gak pernah lepas dari pertolongan orang. Saat dulu kita lahir yang bantu kamu keluar ke dunia syapa?? Dokter kan?! (sory yang pake bantuan dukun...hehehe) Contoh kecil lainnya, yang bikin ni blogspot.com sypa?? Orang lain kan?? Pokoknya begitu banyak bantuan dari orang lain yang tujuannya untuk berbagi info, pengalaman, dan lainnya.

Hubungannya dengan pidatoku, Friends are Your Second Soul....
Bayangkan saat kamu gy kasmaran, jatuh cinta, fall in love, (sama yah??) atau broken heart, patah hati dan masalah remaja lainnya. Kebanyakan kita mesti punya seseorang buat tempat curhat, ngobrol sharing kita. Seseorang itu yang disebut TEMAN. Saat teman gy susah, sedih, bahagia, murung, kesal, capai, ataupun lelah, sudah sebaiknya kita harus ada di samping mereka begitu juga sebaliknya...

Begitu besar artinya teman buat aku...sehingga susah ku ungkapkan dg kata2..

Berikut ini naskah pidato inggrisku.....

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Good morning my honorable teacher, and all my beloved friends. In this chance let me deliver my speech about “Friends Are Your Second Soul”.

We are borne to the world destined as a social creature. I can’t do anything without people around me. And you also can’t do anything yourself. All of in the world are required. I need you, and you also need me. So, we know the called of “Friend”.

I think all of you have a friend or a special friend. Friends are your second soul, if you are boring with your home problem, your lesson, your boy or girl friend, or you are sad because of you have refused, your friend always give spirit for you. So you can smile and make you strong again.

Don’t worry you can’t have a friend, the point is don’t crush friendship, and we have to respect the other. Don’t be selfish. Don’t think that you are the best. I always think that above the sky is still there the sky. Just low profile, so people around you will come to you, not you will come to people around you.

Find a friend not as easy as invert your hand. Find an enemy is easier than find a friend. There are many people in the world, what will you do with them? Make them to your friend, or make them to your enemy? Just think yourself.

I think that’s all about my speech. I hope it will make us more respect with our friends and all of people around me. I’m sorry if I have mistakes in deliver my speech.

Have a nice day and good morning.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

begitulah kiranya arti seorang teman buatku....

dan teman2q antara lain>>>


(ada namanya)

Dila n Dian

Bagyo...(temen TK)

Bertus....(satu keahlian >> Bassist)

sang drumer...angga

Hilda..(temen ce baru d kls 11..)

efii...(wanita muslimah yang selalu cantik saat tersenyum...Subhanallah...)

dan masih banyk lagi...

sekian post hari ini...

di tunggu comentnya....


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